Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hi there and welcome to my DJ blog! Let me tell you a little bit about who I am and what I do.

I'm a northeast Ohio native and I love music. I have been involved with music in one way or another for most of my adult life. I've recorded music and played on-stage in bands off and on for many years.

I took a serious interest in the DJ scene a few years ago and never looked back. I absolutely love it. And I offer my services to you, right here in northeast Ohio.

There are a lot of DJ's out there and some of them are mind-blowing, just fantastic. Others not so much. It's not enough to have a great sound system. It's not enough to play everyone's requests. And it's not enough to have a killer light show. It takes more than that. Among other things, a DJ has to know how to read the crowd and keep the party alive. The crowd gives feedback even when they don't realize it, and a really good DJ will pick up on that. The dance floor might be packed, but if the DJ transitions to the wrong song, everyone will scatter. Hey, it happens every now and then (even to the best of 'em), but the trick is to minimize it and maintain the vibe. Vibe is key.

I'll tell you about my current setup in a future post. In the meantime, if you're planning a get-together and you'd like to entertain your guests, a DJ is the way to go! Even if you don't hire me to do it, trust me on this: a DJ can turn your party from average to amazing.

When you hire me for my DJ services you are elevating your get-together.
I will work hard for you and my rates are unbeatable! Send me an email via the address at the top right of this page, I'd love to hear from you.

Remember, it's all about the music!

Thanks for reading and peace,

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